Once upon a time I was asked three questions. If I could be anything I wanted, what would I be, if I could do anything I wanted, what would I do and if I could have anything I wanted, what would I have? The answers were a writer, travel and happiness.

In a traditional fairy story, they would have waved a wand and my wishes would have come true. But this is a modern fairy story and so I had to wave my own wand. And I got my wishes. I travelled and I wrote and it has brought me huge happiness. Hopefully some of these stories might inspire your own.

unique visitors

years experience


What I do.

In 2015 I led the digital team on the biggest-selling women’s magazine in the UK to triple the audience in 11 months and increase the social media following by 200%. Prior to this I launched and developed a major women’s digital lifestyle title for Hearst magazines to reach an audience of one million readers.

My key skills include digital strategy planning, content creation and platforming, social media and search traffic management, audience growth and commercial campaign planning.

Since 1995 I’ve been launching new products – including print and digital magazines, books and radio shows – and re-inventing existing brands, including several UK household names.

More info

* Content re-platforming
* Audience growth
* SEO management

Who I work with

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